Chinese acupuncturist told me yesterday that I’m pregnant!


Hi guys,

I’m 4DPO and yesterday I had acupuncture with a new lady that I haven’t been to before. I asked her to give me a <a href="">fertility treatment</a> and she tested my pulse and said no! She refused because she said that I’m already pregnant!

I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but has anyone else had someone in Chinese medicine know this about them just on their pulse alone and been accurate? Especially so early?!

UPDATE: My hubby has been in bed for days with a nasty flu and now I have it.. feeling abit worried that this will impact TTC! 😐

UPDATE: Hey guys, well, crappy news but I’ll give you the whole story... on Wednesday this week I called my acupuncturist to cancel my appointment because I didn’t want to make her sick aswell and she said that her Chinese medicine will keep her strong so I can still come in if I want... so I went and got covid tested first and when that came back all clear I went in to see her. She checked my pulse again and this time was concerned, she said that the pregnancy pulse is still there but it’s weaker than last time when it should be stronger. I asked if this meant that it won’t work out and she said not to worry because it still might but that it’s not ideal..

For this whole week I’ve had pregnancy symptoms but I also have reflux disease which causes nausea so despite having nausea I can’t accurately say its a symptom but I’ve had all of the others that I had with my son (I know pms causes that too, just not usually with me but bodies change after birthing a child so..)

Anyway fast forward to today at 13DPO, the day before my period is due and I’m even sicker with this cold and I’ve done a test (this is the day of my cycle that my sons pregnancy was picked up) and it said not pregnant... so I’m feeling really low but I wanted to update you guys because I know how it feels to be left on a cliff hanger with posts like this, but it also means I’m feeling super vulnerable to people’s comments so if you’re going to reply, please be gentle and only say what you would say to someone in real life, no comments like “I didn’t think this would work” etc.

Anyway, baby dust to everyone on here and much love from me to you. I’m determined to focus on my goals for the next few weeks and not let this make me negative.

Also, I’m more upset today that the symptoms lead me astray and not her comments, my symptoms really had me thinking that I was but I guess I just need to work on my health, which i will do. I messaged her today telling her (as she asked me to) and she’s been so kind and wonderful in response. Wishing babies and good health to you all xx