Redbull craving


Everyday I have had 2 sugarfree redbulls, my toddlers do not sleep. My redbulls keep me sane. Im 11 weeks, it's been 3 weeks since I found out and 3 weeks since I've had a sugar free redbull. My mouth is actually constantly dry because all I want is a redbull, I've tried to switch to coffee and it makes me vomit straight away. I will continue to not drink them but I just needed to vent cos I really really miss my sugar free redbull in the morning like I'm legitimately sad and my mouth is so dry, I think about it all day long 😅😂 I wish I could just have one sugar free redbull, damn it. Also how would a small can of sugar free redbull be any different than having a cup of coffee or a can of coke? Both has just as much caffeine. I'd like some advice, I'm gonna ask my midwife at my next appointment but just curious on everyone's opinions also gonna add in that low birth weight is not a concern for me, both my children were over 9 pounds lol. Idkk man I want one so bad