Bugaboo donkey duo



If you have one can you give me your review please.

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I have it and I love it. Extremely stylish and pushes very well. I use it on all our walks and when we go to amusement parks or the mall or whatever. I have a two year old and a 6’week old. The 6 week old doesn’t like to lay in the bassinet for too long but that’s just her. She’s rather be carried or stay in the car seat (we have the nuna pipa with the attachment for the bugaboo) and she can stay in there a longggg time.


OhBiscuits • Feb 14, 2021
I forgot to tag you!


OhBiscuits • Feb 14, 2021
I’ve never had a problem with it and doorways or stores. But it’s a challenge if you have a small car. I have a Tesla model s and my trunk is pretty big but sometimes I wish I had a truck because I have to take all the pieces apart most times to fit it comfortably with other things. If you have a small trunk, you’ll have to disassemble it to go in.


Rebecca • Feb 12, 2021
Thank you! How do you find the width through doorways etc. and how is it in the boot of a car?