Early gender testing?

Jasmine • 2/26/19 👼🏻 9/05/19 👼🏻 12/10/20 👼🏻 Ayla Moon 05/21/21 👼🏻💗🌙 7/31/21 👼🏻 10/03/21 👼🏻 12/06/21 👼🏻👼🏻 2/10/22 👼🏻

I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and scheduled early gender blood test for next Tuesday and I’ll be 8w3d. I know a lot of people do Sneak Peek but I’m so nervous of not sanitizing well enough lol so I have an appointment at an actual lab to have the test done and blood drawn for me. It says it’s 99% accurate but I just wanted to see if any of you ladies had it done and whether it was correct for you! I know they’re just checking for male dna but I’m hoping there’s no contamination somehow. 😅