

Ugh ladies, after my miscarriage in May, I have struggled with ovulation and getting back on track. However I know I ovulated 10 days ago. Having been feeling rather wonky since, the usual symptoms, trying not to read in to it but still not able to help myself.

So I'm sitting here with boobs sore under my arms and what feels like twinges in my pelvis. Started temping the day of ovulation and had a small drop today, I have the bright idea of testing. I figured my drop would mean AF is coming or I would get a lovely squinter of a second line. Stark negative!

To top it off we are hoping to move house in the coming months so of course today would be a great day to start getting rid of all our junk and I came across all my letters, appointments, scans, positive tests from my miscarriage. I held on to it all I suppose as a way of remembering. Before I knew it I was in floods of tears, reading and re reading it all. I've watched so many people have their babies since I lost mine, all perfectly healthy and I smile and act interested and I'm filled with grief.

Just waiting for our rainbow everyday.