Noise complaint

Chef Cara • Currently cook for a fine dining restaurant in Traverse City. Single, 29, chef, would love to be a mom someday.

I visit my mom, stepdad and sister from time to time and stay at their apartment. They're on the 2nd floor. They have had problems with the neighbors on the 3rd floor with noise for a really long time. When I mean noise I'm talking 24 hours a day. There's no quiet time at all. My mom said they were arguing at 4am this past Saturday. They're literally blasting music right now it's almost 11:30pm. 6am this morning I hear stomping like someone slammed their foot down hard, and it continued throughout the day. It's always like this. They have kids too and they're always up. You can hear them screaming, running around etc. I've taken the broom and hit the ceiling many times but it still continues. Luckily my family is moving out later this year but it would be nice if they can get some peace and quiet for once before they move out.

My mom has called the office but because she's not on the lease my stepdad has to be the one to call according to the office. Which he has called many times. I've told her to call the cops but my mom is a the type of person whose afraid to do things. She talks the talk but has others fight her battles or she just deals with it by not doing anything. She's afraid if she calls the cops they'll know it was them and retaliate.

This place is turning into a bad place to live. It smells like marijuana. I have no problem with it as I used to smoke it and still do once in a blue moon but when the entire building smells like it it's ridiculous. You can hear people in their apartments in the hallway. Both the people above and under us. It almost sounds like they're standing right there with you.

My question is what else can they do? My mom doesn't want to call the cops but keeps bitching about them. They've been dealing with this for quite awhile and I'm not talking about months. They've lived here for a few years but there was another family who lived up there that were the same way. She says the office won't do anything. I have to be on the road early in the morning to head back home. I'm about to call the cops my damn self and tell them it was me since I don't live in this city but she'll be upset with me that I did.