Need advice, normal??

Before I start, I would like to say, i am snowed in. We have like 8 inches of snow and it’s not stopping for 3 more day so I cannot make it to a store or a doctor. I just need some advice from anyone who has gone through something similar. This was my cycle before I stopped taking the pill in March.

Then due to COVID and it being a little tighter to get into a doctor and tighter on money, we decided for me to stop taking it and to just use condoms WITH the pull out method. This is how it was for the first few months after.

And now, it’s just getting longer and longer.

Is this normal? I have had cramps for like 6-7 days, sometimes I “feel” like I started, like i feel me leaking lmao but then I go check and, nothing. Is my body just getting used to being off? I was on it for ~2 years before I stopped cold turkey. Please nice and helpful comments only.