Duel question 🥴 please help !

Jessica • 1/26/19👦🏻.10/16/21👶🏼4/25/24🤰🏻. ED RN🩺. Police Family👮🏽‍♂️

1. I took a pregnancy test at 11 days past trigger, 9 past <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, and it was negative. Anybody have stories similar that ended in positive!

-took letrozole

-2 strong follicles

-good looking sperm

-taking estrogen orally and progesterone vaginally !

2. I’ve just read progesterone suppositories can make your period late when you stop them?! I’m supposed to stop when I get my period. Do I stop when it’s supposed to come? Or?