God really said "Let this bitch be lonely"


So here's my dilemma...

I really really really want a gf to love and be all cheesy with. You know, morning snuggles, gm/gn texts, ALWAYS loving them and telling them how beautiful they are. Even making her meals and spoiling her in any way I can (even tho I'm broke af lol)

But, I need physical connection in my relationships for them to work. That sounds wierd, but like, if I can't physically be with her often, it just won't work. And with the whole pandemic still out of control, we wouldn't be able to see each other even if she lives a block away. So, here I am, lonely and desperately wanting someone to love.

(Not to mention all my insecurities which would place obstacles in our relationship :'( )

What's a girl to do?