Baby isn’t sleeping 😒

She’s 8 months old now and she’s always been good with sleeping from 3 months onwards.

Now it’s like I have a new child 😂 she fights her sleep sooo much she’s constantly knackered as she’s skipping her second and third nap of the day. I put her in her cot at night after rocking her getting her sleepy and next minute she’s standing up slapping the walls and all hyper!! Baring in mind she’s soo sleepy it’s almost like something is stopping her from sleeping.

I give her milk as usual but she has foods too that are genuinely good for her without a high content of sugar/fat etc.

She has no teeth yet I’m assuming a lot is down to teething. I have a feeling it will be like this for a while till teeth appear, or even after maybe.

Anyone else having the same problem or understands why?