What the youngest you would take your child to America?

We are about to start TTC our 3rd.

We've been offered a once in a lifetime trip to Disney World next August (2022). Flights and accommodation all paid for! We just need to pay for food and spending money.

If we conceived this month baby would only be 9 months at the time of traveling.

We have taken a flight when my eldest was 8 months but Covid wasn't a thing and it wasn't somewhere busy like Disney World.

What is the youngest you would take your child to Disney World?

If Covid was under control by that stage would that influence the age you would travel at?

What would you do?

I'm so torn if we should hold off TTC, I know my children would have the most amazing experience, it's a once in a lifetime trip with extended family one of whom has a terminal illness which is sort of the reason for the trip. Or go ahead and TTC as time isn't on my side and our first two took quite a long time to conceive.

Please no judgement or nasty comments.