Help me out here ladies🤣🤣


I’m pregnant with my husband and I’s first baby, and my grandma is being extremely controlling. (We don’t live with her, thank god lmaooo) we have a cat, and my grandma said she’s calling the police if we don’t get rid of the cat when the baby arrives. I told her we have strict rules for when the baby comes, the cat isn’t to be in the same room as the baby at night time, when the baby is sleeping, or when me and my husband are not around. My grandma proceeds to say she’s going to call CPS and get me into prison. She’s also anti vax and saying that if I get my child vaccinated she’s going to call the cops. She’s also extremely racist against my black/mixed husband. And making racist comments towards my baby. I decided she will not be allowed around the baby what so Ever. I’m just worried about her calling cps for no reason.