I promised myself I wouldn’t test before my period was due 🙄 🤦‍♀️ Just got a faint positive at 8DPO.

I had a missed miscarriage in September. It was quite traumatic. Couldn’t really imagine the whole situation being worse with the complications that arose.

We started trying again in January and fell pregnant. I ended up having an early miscarriage. With this miscarriage I tested REALLY early and got a faint positive at 8DPO, so it was over a week of faint (but clear) lines and a lot of stress before the lines disappeared and I started bleeding.

My husband and I decided it would be best to hold off until my missed period next time so I wasn’t so worried when it was a faint positive.

I had a GP appointment today and she wants to know as soon as I get a positive test so I can bloods done to check my progesterone levels to see if they are too low.

Out of curiosity I just took a test because I couldn’t stop thinking about it 🙄 I’m 8DPO and have a very faint positive. Should I tell my husband or wait until my period is due?

I don’t fell stressed or worried. I’m not really excited either because I know how fragile this all is. I don’t want to get excited about something that can be taken away from me in a second.