Clawing/pinching help needed


I just finally weaned our lingering 4am nursing session 3 days ago and he is still waking up at 4 to nurse but if we bring him in our bed he is able to snuggle us with his paci for comfort instead. However, hes now doing this really fun new thing while hes snuggling me where he grabs a handful of my skin and claws/pinches it over and over again and keeps finding new accessible skin to do it to. He will do this while laying with me for like an hour until I give up and we get up for the day at 5am. I have scratches all over my back and stomach and chest from it. I tried wearing long sleeves and tucking my shirt into my pants but he just switched to my skin on my neck and face. Saying no doesnt work yet for him and I dont want to stop cuddling him while we are still getting used to the wean. Any advice how to break this habit? I feel like its a comforting sensory thing for him but it is NOT comforting to me lol