I don’t think I love him anymore...

I’ve been with my sons father for 6 years. Our son is almost 2. My partner has put me through hell. Through cheating, having dating site accounts and not keeping a job. I have given him chance after chance and have been making excuses for him for far too long.

But I think it has finally come to that time where my love for him is gone. Of course I will always love him because he’s my sons father and an amazing father that I can give him but he’s a horrible partner. I’m just not in love with him anymore and idk what to do. I’m afraid if I make him leave I’ll be hurting our son in the end. He is so use to us being together and happy he has never seen us fight because I refuse to fight in front of him.

How do you tell someone you have so much history with that you don’t love them anymore...