Subchorionic Hematoma found at 7w US

Valerie • Ectopic 2019, multiple chemical pregnancies, baby boy 9/21.

Has anyone else had an ultrasound where they found a subchorionic hematoma? The tech and dr said mine is small, smaller than the gestational sac. They told me to expect some bleeding or spotting in the next week or so but, of course, I still freaked out when it happen. Mostly when I wiped and some dripping when I would sit on the toilet but no gushing, sorry tmi. I’ve already seen the baby who is measuring right on track with a heartbeat of 166. But I won’t have another ultrasound until 9w2d. Currently 8w4d and bleeding lasted a couple hours on 8w2d. Anyone else currently in the same boat or have past experience with this?


Unfortunately, the hematoma is still there, but baby is doing great. Growing right on track with a strong heartbeat of 178bpm. The SBH seems to be growing a little too, which bummed me out. The tech and doctor had a hard time measuring it though so it’s hard to say. They keep telling me not to worry. Impossible! I’ll have another scan at 12weeks with a specialist who can get a better look and hopefully some measurements and more info about the risk it poses. I’m really hoping it’s gone or at least smaller by then. We’ll see. 🤞🏽 I don’t think you can see it in the picture. Not sure 🤷🏽‍♀️