12dpo, help?

Lindsay • 28 🌈🌈💖 due 10/31/21!

I just started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist for recurrent losses. I’m supposed to get my period today, and was really good about not testing this cycle. I took another test a few days ago and it was completely negative, and told myself I wouldn’t take another until the day of my period. I feel like this is way too light for 12dpo, and will probably be another chemical, but I’m wondering if I need to call my RE and ask for betas today.

Update: RE’s office said that they want to see it a little darker/clearer before they send me for betas. Hoping I get a darker positive over the weekend...! I was honestly hoping this cycle would be a dud so that I would be able to have at least one full cycle with the fertility clinic, but... here we are. Whether it’s another chemical or a real baby this time, I know I’m in good hands.