
Tina • Momma of 1 baby girl, TTC baby #2

How do women do this? I’m so physically and mentally exhausted. I keep thinking how much easier it would be to just give her formula.

My baby eats 1-2 hours a day and my nipples feel like they could fall off. I even fixed her latch and nothing seems to work.. She has the hardest time latching on my right boob, she cries, I cry, it’s a whole thing. I don’t want to give up but I’m worn out.. she’s only 6 days old.

And After I feed she still seems hungry. What should I do?

Should I be pumping and give up breast feeding? Just pump and give it to her in a bottle? What would be the down side of doing that?

Can someone give me some advice on what to do because I’m about to lose it.