A question about consent , assault and blame


A while ago now I went out with a guy for drinks and normally I can handle loadssss of alcohol like I can drink bottles and still do things with ease but this time I drunk two drinks and was on the floor and couldn’t walk at all. I was certain I had been spiked. He took me to the hotel he was staying at and we had sex. I wasn’t against having sex with him but I litterally couldn’t walk up his stairs. I ended up throwing up all night and the next day even though I only had 2 drinks !! I don’t even throw up if I have bottles of vodka ! 😅 I thought nothing of it at first. The idea of being spiked slipped my mind. I don’t remember consenting to the sex but I know I didn’t say no. I just know I was very very very drunk (spiked) I don’t remember getting hone either. A few weeks later I did a pregnancy test as I felt soemthing was off and it came back positive. I had been really upset for the 3 weeks as I was in a bad place mentally and was drinking quite a bit every night. I chose to only tell two people I was really close to and not the rest of my friends. The two I told ended up telling my other friends and they were soooooo angry at me! I tried to explain to them that I couldn’t even remember this guy putting his baby juice in me and one of my friends was especially mad at me because we were extremely close before he went back to uni and he put all the blame on me and said I ruined our relationship by sleeping with the guy. I booked appointments for abortion checkup scans and an actual abortion but I bled for about 3 weeks and booked an emergency appointment because It was quite heavy bleeding. I bled for about a month and they said I had miscarried the baby but That didn’t really effect me as I was going to get an abortion anyway. None of my friends were with me through it they were all so angry at me for what I had done and I just want to tell someone as it had been on my mind for so long now. News came out that the guy I slept with ( he is 27 and I am 19 ) is a pedo and also has tried to spike and sexually assault underage girls. I am very young looking and I met him at a party where he said I look very young and like a “ fairy princess” I felt even weirder as I thought did he sleep with me because I look underage ?? All of this has had a massive impact on my mental health. Does being spiked still allow for me to consent? Should I tell someone about this ? Is it my fault and is it okay for my friends to have put the blame on me for our ruined friendship and relationship because of this. I had no support from them, only arguments and hate :(