Grandpa loves his grandson more than granddaughter

How would you guys feel? My father in law comes from a culture that sees boys more favorable. He’s visiting from out of the country and he’s stayed almost the whole time at my brother in laws house (husbands brother) my sister in laws tells him it’s time to go visit us and his other grandkids (girls) and he doesn’t want to go but they tell him he can’t stay any longer. Today he gets in and we go over to see him. He holds my daughter for like 2 mins then calls his son and asks to see his Grandson and starts telling him how much he misses him and completely ignores my daughter the rest of the time we are there. I feel mad and sad. They are both babies so it’s not like he can talk to his grandson or interact more. I wanted to say something but my husband said to leave it alone but I’m pissed