Advice for a new driver?

I’m 19 and JUST got my permit and bought my own car (2001 Acura) I wasn’t allowed to even learn how to drive before I turned 18 because my older brother was a wreck less driver (parents rules)

I live in Oregon and wasn’t able to take the drive test for my license because ive never really driven before (only in a empty parking lot and on a empty straight road)

I also have a LOT of anxiety around driving. Like it seriously scares the living shit out of me. So I got my permit and my own car so I can practice with my boyfriend (I can’t drive his car because it’s a manual and I don’t feel comfortable)

I can’t drive it until April because i need to get added to my boyfriends insurance(or on my own), tags, license plate and a title transfer so I’ll be practicing with a friend who is legal but it still scares me so much. I’m terrified and people keep telling me that being scared about driving will make me a bad driver

ANY advice is appreciated :(