Am I being overly sensitive ?

I only see my bf once a week because he works a lot and only gets about 3 days off (rarely 4) and I try to be as understanding as I can and have never complained and have grown accustomed to it for the last 3 years since I know he needs time to himself too since he’s hardworking and we call/text constantly.

However, sometimes it does get to me, especially recently. I saw him a Monday, and the following day his parents invited me over to eat Wednesday and I agreed, so I was able to see him twice that week. It seems that he wasn’t aware until I mentioned it and Wednesday came and that was that.

It wasn’t until later that I got thinking, had his parents not invited me, would he even have told me to come over for dinner? Probably not.... and a part of that hurts.

I understand that he needs his own time and he bought an old car and likes fixing it on his off days when he’s not with me (which he was doing that day) but it still makes me feel crappy when I consider that he not only spends more time with his coworkers at work, but also more time on his car than with me... and he even jokes about it and even his parents tell him and that used to be a tiny bit funny but now I jut find it crappy

Then a few days ago he mentioned he could see me Wednesday but then moved it and said Saturday instead and I joked saying “why not both?” And he just said that I can wait which hurt my feelings more.

I know he loves me and all but sometimes I feel like when he gets an extra day off, he CAN see me but doesn’t want to. Soon I’ll be going off to college and I won’t even be here so I wish he’d take advantage of the time he has with me AND I also find it kind of sad that the distance between us won’t be that dramatic since I only see him once a week now, once a month or two shouldn’t be an issue for him...

He’s a medic so he works 12 hour night shifts for 4 days so he’s pretty tired and sleeps in the first day he has off until the evening so I usually don’t see him the first day of his 3 days off which is why I feel like I may be in the wrong ...