6 month old hands/feet turning purple while sleeping


So 3 days ago I started to sleep train my 6 month old after doing the Taking Cara Babies course. The first night was rough but the next two nights have been great. He’s always slept on his back since he slept in the Snuggle Me in between me and my husband since he was born. Now that he has the freedom to move in his crib he likes to roll over and sleep on his stomach, which I feel comfortable with because I know he’s capable of rolling back and forth and we have the Newton Baby mattress. However, the past 3 mornings he has woken up with purple hands and feet, they are also ice cold. It takes his hands about 30 minutes after waking up to go back to a regular color. I put him to sleep in fleece footy pajamas and a sleep sac and we run the heater so he doesn’t get cold. I’m really worried and don’t know why this happens. Has this ever happened with anyone else’s baby??? I’m calling to make appointment with pediatrician tomorrow right when they open.