Food Before 1 is Just for Fun


Okay, so I understand that food before one is just for fun. My daughter will be one in a couple weeks, so now what? Lol

I know that she should still be drinking milk, but breast milk and put it in her sippy cup? Soy milk (I really don't want her to drink soy)? Whole milk (another one I'm not comfortable with)? Goat's milk? Lactaid? There's so many choices. Does she just wean to table food? She loved homemade purees, but that was just for fun. She never liked bottles. I am lucky that my partner and I work from home, so she's exclusively breastfed and eats purees for snacks in between meals.

Once she rurns one, my partner and I will be taking a 2 week vacation from work to help with her transition. I am freaking out now and I need help! Lol