L&D walk of shame twice


(Going to vent so read if you’d like) Went to L&D on Friday night because I was having horrible contractions that wouldn’t stop all day and my body was so tired so I opted to go to L&D to get checked out. A little back story of my pregnancy is that according to my LMP my due date should be February 9th but my dating ultrasound pushed me all the way to a March 10th due date. I’m a small person and so is my husband (I’m 5’ and he’s 5’8) so we don’t expect to have a huge baby. I thought that dating ultrasound pushed me a little too far but they just said I ovulated late.. anyway I was told I was in the early stages of labor and to come back if I had any blood, stronger contractions or loss of fluid and that my cervix was just thinning but no dilation yet. We left after a few hours feeling better knowing what was going on with my body. Then Sunday night (last night) I started having intense contractions, I could barely talk through them and they lasted over an hour. I also had a bloody show the night before and definitely lost part of my mucus plug. So I called L&D and explained what was happening and they told me to come in to get checked out. So we rushed over and I was still in pain, just super uncomfortable couldn’t even sit down. Well we got hooked up and since they were switching over to night nurses I had three different nurses , who obviously weren’t communicating and I had to repeat myself three times.. they didn’t really check anything just said I’m 1Cm and in early labor which I knew. They had me hooked up to monitor everything and they didn’t even look at it or talk to me about it just called the on call OB and came back twenty minutes later and was told they were sending me home because I’m still technically 37 weeks they want the baby to cook more. But I definitely think I’m further along, and they didn’t seem to care about that. I started crying as soon as I was told we were going home and was repeated the same thing about if I bleed (which I did) if I have intense contractions (which I was still having even as I changed into my clothes) and all the things I’ve heard a million times to come back and get checked out again. We did the walk of shame back home and I couldn’t stop crying from frustration. I know my baby is safe inside me and growing but with all these contractions and discomfort I don’t want to stress her out or cause harm to her if she is ready to come out. I could be 41 weeks pregnant according to my LMP or at least closer than 37 weeks but nobody seems to care about that. Even at my last ultrasound at 25 weeks she was curled up in a ball so they couldn’t measure her very well. I told my mom I don’t want to step foot in L&D until her head is literally sticking out of my vagina. 😩 I just needed to vent. Maybe I’m sounding silly but these hormones have me so emotional I don’t care anymore 😣