VBAC after 2 c sections


Hi ladies I need opinions and maybe to rant a little ....I'm pregnant with my 3rd child and I have had 2 c sections, the first was because of a hip problem that is fixed now...with my second pregnancy I was going for a vbac but unfortunately my daughter at 34 weeks I hardly daughter due to an emergency c section because she was in distress and my fluid was to low I asked my new Obgyn about a vbac as long as things went well and he told me he wants a repeat c section because I've never labored before and he dosnt know if it would be to much stress on my scars and all....I agreed with him but I'm upset I really wanted this experience and not sure if I should get another opinion...this is my last child and i wanted to have a natural delivery at least once i want my baby to be safe of course but not sure if the doctor just dosnt want to deal with it or is actually concerned I'll be asking him alot more questions at my next visit