Baby must haves FTM


So since finding out I was pregnant in October I've sort of bought a few bits and pieces and hoped to find out the gender to then start buying more stuff but that didn't happen at my 20week US. Now have had this realization that I'm going to have to start buying some more stuff sooner rather than later (or putting it on a baby shower wish list). I have quite a few hand me downs from my SIL who had a baby girl in 2019 but they are all very girly clothes. So if baby towns out to be a boy I'm going to need a bit more than I have.

So far I have:

Cot and mattress


Baby car seat (0-5years)

Quite a few blankets

Some bottles to start with (will be buying more this week)

Some 0-3 month dummies

3 packets of Newborn nappies (so far)

Half a dozen cloth nappies (once baby is 6ish months old we are going to start using cloth)

And I have onesies (Bonds long sleeve) in a range of sizes from (000-0)

I haven't gone out of my way to buy anything 0000 because I have gestational diabetes and baby is already measuring ahead so I don't want to have heaps of 0000 that never get worn because baby is big.

Also note that I've said long sleeved onesies because I'm in Australia and June is Winter for us 😂