Having more kids after CPS takes away the first ones

What do you think about this?

I know a couple women who have done this, and it seems they completely forget about their kids who get taken away.

Or someone will have their kids taken away, completely give up on trying to get them back, then decide to bring in more children even though they will most likely get them taken away too.

Example: I have a friend I went to school with, her dad took her to court and got custody of her son. She didn’t really take care of him and always posted on Facebook how she never had food for her and her son. She spent her food benefits all on her boyfriend. Who leaves her for other women every few weeks. About two years ago, I ran into her at the store and she had no diaper bag, her sons face was full of boogers, and you could tell the poor little boys diaper was soaked and he was sweating too.

She keeps posting stuff on fb hinting around that she is going to start trying for another baby. Like, “I got good news from the doctor. She said it was up to me.” I asked her what it was, and she said the doctor could give her vitamins to have another baby.

Last week, she messaged me and asked if I still had the fetal Doppler I used during my pregnancy and asked if she could borrow it until she could get a pregnancy test (she lives closer to dollar tree than my house so I thought that was odd.)

I know I should probably cut ties with her, but I feel kinda bad for her because she lacks common sense and also she lost her mom about two years ago. I think that broke her. But then again she only talks to me when she wants something. Never asks how I’m doing or tells me how she is when I ask. Our conversations go like this:

Her: hey

Me: hey

Her: wrud?

Me: nothing much. Watching a movie with (my child) what about you?

Her: nothing

Me: you doing ok?

Her: can you make me a shelf I’ll pay you

Her: can I borrow —————

Her: and can you *(do something like paint a picture or build something else -I’m crafty and I built something for her once- no payment, or even a thank you.)*

How would you react to her telling you this and asking this stuff? What about her having another kid? She also doesn’t have her own place. Or a job or income.