Newborn daytime routine?!

My baby is 3 weeks old tomorrow. I know newborns sleep A LOT, but I feel like the only things I do with him when he’s awake is diaper change and nurse and then he’s back to sleeping again (usually 45 minute routine and then back to sleep). I try to take advantage of those rare times he’s alert for 5-15 minutes without being nursed or changed and show him contrasting colors in books and some tummy time, maybe walk around and talk to him, etc. But those are all short lived. Today, during his short windows of wake time, he’s been crying almost nonstop unless I’m nursing him or he’s sleeping. I’d like to know a) is this amount of sleeping normal, b) should I be doing anything else with him while he’s awake, and c) does it sound like he’s going through a growth spurt with all the crying between naps?