10 wk old Fighting Sleep

When my daughter was born she was immediately an amazing sleeper and I took that for granted. She slept anytime she wasn’t eating, and even as much as a few weeks ago she would sleep well at night and nurse without much of a fuss. We never had an issue with her going to sleep in her bassinet, and she was even starting to get the hang of putting herself to sleep when we would lay her down drowsy.

The last 3 weeks have started a steady decline when it comes to nursing and sleeping. She is starting to fight sleep - naps and sleeping at night. She then is so tired nursing is a bit of a fight, and when she does finally let me nurse her she falls asleep so quickly, but the second we go to put her down she wakes up angry.

It’s starting to be a vicious cycle...she’s over tired and won’t sleep, too angry to nurse, falls asleep when she finally latches, we try to put her down, wakes up - rinse and repeat. I’ve stayed put on several occasions when she fell asleep nursing to let her get some sleep but it doesn’t seem to help her temperament and I don’t want to create a pattern where she will only sleep when held.

I’ve been trying a lot of things - laying her down when she is drowsy, playing specific sounds or music when it’s bedtime, creating a routine before bed (bath, book, eat). We are trying to create a healthy routine for her, but also give ourselves more than 20 minutes of uninterrupted sleep.

I feel like I’m doing something wrong and I hate when she is upset - I just want to do the right thing for her. Has anyone else gone through this? What finally helped?