Motor cycle FL insurance

Hello..I'm not sure if I'll get much help from this app but riddit and anywhere else won't let me ask for advice....

Anyway I might get a motorcycle some time. I know in FL you don't need bike insurance but I want it. I have a car I'm making payments/financing so my insurance is already higher than what id like. The bike is going to be a USED sports bike, maybe a 400cc or 600. (a 400 fits better, just harder to find second hand...I also assume a 400 would be cheaper insurance). I also understand age ect is a factor of rates.

But if you can share some experience with it, that would help.

I'm probably going to switch to progressive soon because they've given me the best rate for my car so far. (Gotta get off parents insurance)

I haven't called for bike rates because I don't know the make/modle of the bike yet so a rate wouldn't be much help ....if you yourself ride or know someone who does in the FL area can you ask them? Or even if you know a lawyer familiar with the subject.. Thank you so much!