Boy advice

So, I’ve liked this guy for 6 months and ever since we started talking he’s the only guy I can see a future with. We started off flirty and he would mention dates such as watching the stars or just sitting on the beach and talking. He’s never mentioned nudes or sex. We hung out a few times and then he started ghosting me because he got scared that he’d (and I quote) “fall in love but end up getting heartbroken again”. I assured him I would never use him like the other girls and never cheat because he’s such a great guy. (His ex cheated on him) He cut things off because he’s scared of relationships, and I ended up going to the psych ward for a while so I’ve been focusing on myself, but he’s come back into my life and I’m more confused now than before. He always gets jealous when he sees I’m with a guy friend, and tries to hang out (busy with hockey and his mom says no sometimes), but I have no clue if it’s as friends or if he’s into me. I havent been able to get over him but I don’t know whether I tell him that I like him still, or just leave it alone and hope for the best. Help!