Possible Pregnancy


So to keep a long story short😂 my boyfriend came inside of me (for the first time ever!) and I didn’t realize it was my ovulation day. That means I had a 33% chance of pregnancy according to Glo. Since then (this happened on feb 21) I have been feeling different than usual. Very moody, constipated, crampy, emotional, and sick. I’m very regular and my PMS symptoms do not start until 5 days before my period. My next period is due on March 8th. I know of course there is a possibility I’m pregnant, but should these signs lead me to believe that even more so? I’ve never been pregnant and never had a “pregnancy scare” so I’m not sure what I’m looking for! When would you guys test, should I wait until my period is supposed to come? I feel like I can’t wait that long! Any advice helps!