Please. Can anyone help me understand? 😞💔


My husband and I are desperately trying to understand what’s happening. We’re TTC our rainbow baby. February 9th, I started having a miscarriage at 4 weeks and lost our first baby 💔. Bleeding lasted 4 days and then everything went back to normal. Tested and everything was completely negative (both HCG and LH). Then two days later I started testing high for LH. I switched ovulation test brands to pregmate very recently and started using the Premom app to help.

I’ve had all the pre-ovulation symptoms. Cervix is high, soft, and open. Lots of fertile CM. Mild cramps on one side. I’m on cycle day 16.

I had 8 or 9 days of high fertility (according to the blinking smiley face on Clearblue advanced digital). And now low on Pregmate (picture below)

Please help 😞.

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