Don't want help.

Anyone else struggle with asking for help from their spouses, and their families?

My husband is a great father all around, UNTIL the baby (4m and our first) starts crying because he doesn't want to sleep. The bebe took a spell where he would cry and scream for over an hour straight. He was sleepy, but refund to go to sleep. My husband will get so mad because the beb wouldn't sleep, and would just scream, and when he would go to sleep we would lay him down and he'd sleep for a few minutes. 5-10 tops.

I stopped asking my husband for help getting the baby to sleep, because he makes the whole thing more stressful.

I feel guilty every time I ask my Mother-in-law to watch the babe, just for a few hours to myself, or clean/run errands. I can't ask my family for help because they live over an hour away.