Child support case

I have never been to or apart or a child support case until today so if you have been through this or have any knowledge please shed some light on me.

I am on public assistance and I didn’t want to get child support because I didn’t want it from my child’s dad. He’s a deadbeat and haven’t been in contact with him for years.

The public assistance persuaded me to go ahead with it unless my benefits will stop.

Now a year goes by and we finally get a court date ( today) and my child’s dad didn’t show up. Now they are saying because he lives in New York ( which they knew prior ) that they will have to dismiss this case and re open it in New York. Which can take weeks, months or another year 🙄. I tried to appeal it and the superior officer or whoever she was was super rude. Telling me why should I care if it’s pushed back because I’m never to see the money that my child’s father pays because it’s going to them and not me. Is this true and can they do this? Please don’t judge this is my very first time experiencing this. Can this do this? What can I do? What should I know? I’m so upset smh.

If I need to edit this I will because I would like to remain anonymous.

Edit #1 I was extremely upset but they told me it had to be done.

Edit #2 the mediator officer ( that’s what they called her) told me that. It doesn’t even sound right to me smh. They are pissing me off!