Should I kiss him tonight?!

He's my first real boyfriend. He's such a good guy and I'm terrified of fucking it all up.

I had a frisky past. I made some serious changes. I grew up, learned from my errors and lack of maturity.

I'm so scared of messing it up with him. He's the first real guy that I've liked for more than a hot minute.

I was (unfortunately 😔) a bit uncontrollable for two years when I first started getting attention from boys. I was doing crap on the first date with guys I knew were no good for me. I had a really high sex drive. I met guys at the gym, the bar, work even. I'm not proud of my past.

But this relationship, I really wanna do right. I dont want to jump the gun. Have it turn into lust and sex. I crave his soul. Not just sex. And for me that's huge.

He asked me out a month ago. Yes we are adults. And I'm being so serious. We've held hands and hugged. But we've never done anything questionable or potentially regrettable.

We're going out tonight. Should I kiss him? There have been a few times where I just wanted to grab him and kiss him goodbye at the end of the night or something.

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