Not ovulating even with the positives average CD 25-30??


Update- went to gyno for follow up yesterday. My husband has to go to urologist because my dr will allow me to start Femera. I still have to continue to metformin until then.

I told him I’m not getting positive opk until about CD 25-30 and then my period starts right at 2 weeks after that. He said I am not ovulating because it’s too late in the cycle (even though I’m getting positives). I thought that people with PCOS ovulated late and that it was OK to still have a long cycle (just harder to track)?? I told him I wasn’t ovulating till later anyway last year and he never asked more about it, but he knew my cycles were long. I’m confused because I thought I was ovulating?! I specifically told him that I start 2 weeks after my positives too. He said it doesn’t matter, I should be ovulating mid cycle and that the LH will be present before period.

I feel defeated because I could’ve swore I was ovulating and confirming with temp checks and everything. I feel like the past 1/2 year has been a waste now.