8 weeks 3 days



Hi everyone,

So I got a sneak a peek ultrasound done, by a private sonographer. I can't get in for my first appt with doctor until 10weeks and due to several miscarriages in the past I'm just super nervous/worried!!

The lady she was unable to "capture the heart beat" to get a heart rate☹ but we did see a baby and were able to see the flickering of the heartbeat. She said maybe I'm not as far along but I'm not sure if it's that or the quality of the machine. It didnt seem like she was able to zoom in much.

Has anyone ever had one done at 8 weeks at a place like this?? What was your experience ?!

Does this look like a 8 week 3day ultrasound?

Im just so worried that the baby isn't growing for something else could be wrong☹

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Posted at
Please don’t worry about anything until you see a doctor. These people aren’t qualified to tell you anything medical. It’s just for fun.


Jamie • Feb 28, 2021
Thank you I know I shouldn't put much thought into it, and just be thankful I seen a flickering heartbeat😍


Kae • Feb 28, 2021


Posted at
Do you have any pregnancy symptoms?


Jamie • Mar 2, 2021
Yeah but not real bad. Sore breasts, some nausea but mainly only when I get hungry. Gassy and super bloated. I look like I'm already 5mos pregnant!