
Im so annoyed. I specifically bought female fancy guppies ONLY because I didn’t want any males so there would be no batches of fry because I know they’re live bearers. They were supposed to be in an all female tank when I bought them but one or two of them are pregnant because I went to feed them tonight and noticed 4 fry. A few hours later and there’s now 6. Female guppies usually give birth to up to 30 fry. Now the 2 guppies I bought were meant to be tank mates for my betta and now I have to quarantine my poor girl to a cup in her own tank. But she was already trying to hunt fry down so I had no choice. I bought a 10 gallon for the fry when there was only 4 so now I’m the morning I’ll have to see how many fry there are and if I need to buy a second 10 gallon.

Im not super thrilled at needing to take on fry literally 2 days after introducing my guppies to my tank. But I’m even more upset now my poor betta is being kept to a smaller area so she won’t eat the surprise fry. I’m kinda surprised the employee didn’t notice one of the two guppies she gave me was heavily pregnant. But to be fair I didnt notice until she had already dropped fr



Went out and bought a 10 gallon to go ahead and try and save whatever fry survived. When I transferred the fry into the 10 gallon I managed to fish about between 15-20. They’re happily in a little breeder box inside the 10 gallon and hopefully in a few months time I’ll have full grown guppies. Obviously I will not be keeping all of them cuz that’s waaaaay too many guppies in one tank and I’m not gonna buy a 20-30 gallon just for this surprise batch of fry.

Im also gonna be stocking my 10 gallon with some more mollies (2 in already) and a few more ottos, and maybe a couple cardinal tetras for some schooling and color.

Anywho, here’s the set up and fry!

Update: my female that dropped this batch of fry randomly died while I was at work today and I’m so sad. My PH levels were safe, my ammonia levels were safe, my temp was good; the water was being filtered. I just don’t get it.