Weak cervix, 21 weeks. Please send prayers

I went into hospital 2 hours ago with pains on and off.

I was told my cervix is weak and my baby boy wanted to come early, I have bleeding outside the womb but none of it is dangerous.

The nurse told me she could induce me tonight but his survival rate is less than 4% but would try there best, or she said that I could be carful for a few weeks and see if he’s strong enough to stay in for a few more weeks so the survival rate is higher.

They said nothing is dangerous towards me or my baby boy and it’s totally up to me, they just needed to give me the options.

I could leave and go home, be monitored regularly and he could be up there for a while or he could decide to come out himself early.

We have decided to try keep him in there for as long as we can.

I hope I’ve done the right choice 💙