Low HCG?


Hi all,

After a blighted ovum and D&C in November, this is our first month TTC again. I am getting a positive pregnancy test at home. It was a very faint line on Sunday (8-9 DPO) and is bolder but not quite dark or black like I like to see today (12-13 DPO).

I had a blood test yesterday (11-12 DPO) to monitor my hcg because of my recent miscarriage. They are looking for the numbers to double tomorrow.

Today they called me and said they just wanted to remind me to come back in tomorrow. I asked if they had seen my numbers from yesterday. The nurse said they were “a little low” at 79. I will be 4 weeks on Sunday.

Just looking for positive stories or encouragement I guess. I am really hoping for our rainbow baby.