2nd COVID jab


Hello ladies, so I work for the nhs and just got a message to go for my second jab next week, I found out I’m pregnant (7 weeks) and after doing some research I’ve decided to delay the second dose till the 3rd trimester or maybe after birth reason being I know how the vaccine can give others a terrible fever and obviously running a high fever during early pregnancy is dangerous as can increase the risk of baby developing a congenital heart defect amongst other things. So I’ve decided not to take the risk. Spoke to midwife about it and she understood where I was coming from and suggested I wait too. I feel lucky that I atleast got the first jab 3 months ago so I have some protection but obviously it’s not the same as having both 2 doses. Just wondering if there’s any other ladies out there in the same boat and what you’ve decided to do? Xx