Too small too give birth ?

Hey ladies just looking for abit of advise I had my daughter 4 years ago while I was pregnant with her I had weekly scans because she was measuring big the doctors said I might hsce trouble giving birth because my pelvic area was small and offered a c section I declined so fast forward I went in early labour naturally at 38+4 days at 38+6 days at 7:30 my contractions started they were literally a 1 or less apart I went to the hospital and was only at 2cm they said go home and if by 6 I’m still contracting go back baring in mind my contractions are still a minute or less apart I went bsck at 6pm they checked me I was 4cm so they kept in I went into the birth suit my daughters heart rate was up n down so they kept checking her every half hour fast forward I was dilating slow because as they thought she couldn’t pass my pelvic area and her heart rate was still up and down so they started prepping me for a emergency c section but after I was given the epidural they told me rest and I might be able to push they woke me up to push I pushed for 4 hours my daughter didn’t budge not even her head was out next thing my daughter completely stopped breathing all the doctors ran in they cut me a little pushed every hard on my belly and literally pulled her out which caused her arm to break the doctors said they heard it snap literally they managed to get her breathing very quickly thankfully but now I’m 17 weeks pregnant and have a appointment too discuss weather I need a c section this time have any one else been told they would struggle to give birth and been able to have a normal birth my. Daughter was only 7pounds 6ounces and i still struggled to get her out