I’m pregnant and I feel trapped

I’m not even 21 yet. I feel so stupid. I ended up having sex at a party and BAM here I am 6 weeks later pregnant.

My period usually comes on the 21st, so I was alarmed when February came and my period wasn’t here. I took a test on the 2nd and it was positive went to a doctors appointment and now It’s been confirmed I am 6 weeks. I’ve had an forced abortion at 17 before that my parents forced me to have. It was a traumatizing experience and I never want to experience another abortion again, but I’m absolutely terrified of pushing a baby out of my own vagina (even tho I am a thicker girl, I’m incredibly small, just the thought of my body expanding like that creeps me out)

I’m terrified of being a single mother

I’m terrified of feeling a intimate connection with a baby

I’m terrified of everything. I’m not ready. I thought I was lonely and wanted a baby but I didn’t realize that wasn’t what I wanted at all. My birthdays coming up in a couple weeks. I don’t know what to do!! I feel so trapped, pregnant and sad.