Ugly side of pregnancy

Most of the time you hear about how beautiful pregnancy is. No one really talks about the ugly side. I don’t want to offend anyone but I’m struggling because this is my second pregnancy and I was hoping it would be different and I’d actually get to feel beautiful but it’s been more of the same. All the excess fluid in my body causes my nose to swell. Although I’m light skinned Hispanic, I’ve developed black underarms and my neck turned black as well. It’s not even gestational diabetes because my levels were perfect according to my OB. I also started to get skin tags on my neck. I’m lucky to have a SO that tells me how beautiful I am everyday but it’s still so hard to feel beautiful. I see all these beautiful women taking beautiful maternity pictures and Im honestly jealous. I know the hyperpigmentation and swelling will go away after I give birth but it’s still hard to deal with right now. Anyone else having similar feelings?