If you’re under 16 please take the time to read this 😊


Hello 😊

I just wanted to write this post for you because some of your friends or family may have babies and you might think they’re the cutest things on earth and want one of your own.

They are absolutely the best things to come out of life, there is no doubt about that but having children young not only risks damaging your body but changes your life in ways you can’t even imagine. I had my first child at 23 and life has not been the same since. I’ve battled with depression, isolation, money worries even at my age and that’s not something I want for anyone younger.

I see so many 15 year olds who haven’t even left school or had a chance to do something with their life, even just live a little before having children. It makes me sad because you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. The freedom to do what you want at such a young age is ripped from you as soon as you have a child. Every morning you wake up and after you’ve had your morning pee it’s all about your child.

I couldn’t even go to the toilet without my child because she would scream the house down if I was gone from her sight for even just a minute. I couldn’t eat a hot meal or drink a hot cup of coffee because she came first and I always came last, that’s just how it is and how it should be. It’s the little things in life that you take for granted.

This isn’t a post to tell you how silly you are for wanting children so young, this is just a reminder to wait and live a little before having them. I was trying to fall pregnant at 15 and I’m so glad it never happened. I was a child and I couldn’t of handled that responsibility at all, someone else would of ended up looking after my child while I finished school and grew up.

I lost 2 babies when I was 18 and waited a long 5 years for my first living child. It was so much more precious because I wasn’t even supposed to have children. You don’t love them any less when they’re unexpected or a “mistake”.

Please wait ❤️