He’s here! Born 3/8 but due 3/14 😊


baby boy is here and healthy! I was at 39 weeks and a day.

My water didn’t break until right before delivery! I went in with contractions 4 min apart in the morning, I was at 3 cm but they wouldn’t admit me unless I was 6cm dilated (some new rule with COVID). The triage nurse let me stay for an hour standing to try to increase dilation, and sure enough increased to a 4. She called the doctor to let him know and he said if she can increase one more cm in the hour she can be admitted. And I sure did! Went two cm on two hours on my own! I was proud of myself because they wouldn’t allow the father back with me in triage so I was going off the support of the one nurse rooting for me to get admitted. She was my Angel that day.

When I got admitted I got pain medication and an epidural right away! After a very long night, Rylan made his arrival.

6 pounds, 7 ounces and 17 inches !

And just so over the moon. We are so lucky to be a part of motherhood, and that is such an understatement.

Good luck to all mamas ☺️