Anyone have armpit pain for no reason?


My right armpit has hurt for several months. No lump or anything, and it comes and goes. Most of the time it’s there. It hurts especially when I squeeze my arm to my side, or stretch my arm way out. It hurts really bad when I press the center of my armpit. I think it might be a lymph node but it’s been hurting for months now and I can’t feel an actual ‘node’.

I had a miscarriage in october and every period since then has brought some weird issue. Bad acne and swollen lymph nodes. Those came and went. This armpit pain has been there since December when I stopped breastfeeding my 20 month old (it was a sloooow wean so no engorgement or anything). But it’s been three months now...

I’ve checked my breasts a million times and they seem fine, no lumps or anything. I feel healthy. All except that I’ve gained ten lbs since my miscarriage. But still any time I look up armpit pain, Google says it’s breast cancer.

I saw my doctor in December for the other lymph nodes and the acne (it was so bad my cheek was numb) and he did a full blood test and everything was fine. I can’t see my doctor until May now due to having no insurance. So I’m hoping for some peace of mind.