Mental health is impacting relationships.

I’ve been struggling immensely with my mental health and am waiting to get into  counselling. I find myself getting very short fused with everyone around me, especially my boyfriend. I have been going through a lot with my daughter (she’s 2) and her situation with her father. I can’t handle my emotions, I’m mad over everything and just feel so out of touch with who I am, I can’t find joy or happiness in anything and if I do it leaves so fast. My boyfriend is starting to get frustrated with everything and I understand his point of view but I wish he could just understand mine better. I don’t want to feel like this anymore, it’s mentally draining, being a full time, pregnant with my second and being a full time collage student feels like I’m slacking in both sides of my life. I want to feel like me again and before our little one comes in June, can anyone give any advice on how to just start feeling like myself again?